Scott Gardner

Articles by Scott Gardner

IT leaders are just plain worried

Canada's IT industry may be experiencing its first twinges of teen angst, according to a recent survey of 2000 Canadian computer professionals that found "the future of IT" as their most pressing concern

Workplace Web snooping catching on

Although Canadian companies appear to be monitoring their employees' e-mail and Internet use at an increasing rate, there is not yet any privacy legislation in place that requires employees to be notified

Prepare for Code Red

Although most mission-critical servers and systems are safe for now, tonight

Genieworks opens bottle on consulting application

For the harried consultant running from meeting to meeting with an armful of papers and a leaking cup of coffee, keeping track of billable hours and kilometres logged can be a Herculean task.

HP makes storage software buy, sets iSCSI plans

In twin storage moves, Hewlett-Packard Co. today announced an acquisition aimed at boosting its ability to manage multivendor storage-area networks (SAN) and said it plans to roll out a complete line of disk arrays and related products based on the emerging iSCSI standard by early next year.

Wealthy require special online care: report

A growing population of Canadian millionaires is not having its online financial needs adequately serviced, according to a new study.

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