Sam Costello

Articles by Sam Costello

Expert: Windows XP could unleash wave of DoS attacks

Windows XP, Microsoft Corp.'s forthcoming operating system, has the potential to escalate Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to a level never before seen, according to a computer security researcher.

New worm spreads disguised as virus warning

Antivirus companies have long cautioned users against opening unexpected e-mail attachments or attachments sent by strangers, but...

3Com offers Bluetooth PC card, but questions remain

3Com Corp. announced the availability of a new Bluetooth PC card for notebook computers Tuesday. Bluetooth is a wireless networking standard designed to eliminate cables and allow devices such as PCs, phones and printers to communicate wirelessly.

DoS attack bushwhacks White House site

The White House Web site was taken offline due to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack earlier this week, a spokesman said last Friday.

Microsoft fixes security flaws in Windows Media Player

Microsoft Corp. issued its second security warning and patch of the week when it acknowledged and offered a fix for two flaws in Windows Media Player Wednesday.

CERT hit by DDoS attack for a third day

CERT/CC, one of the Internet's leading network security sites, was sporadically unavailable for the third consecutive day Thursday due to a Distributed Denial of Service attack, a spokesman said.

Study: DoS attacks frequent, hit personal PCs

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are launched against commercial Web sites, but also against Internet infrastructure, small countries and home PCs at the rate of nearly 4,000 per week, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD).

Microsoft warns of Word security issue

Microsoft Corp. warned users Tuesday about a security hole in its Word software, though the bug appears to be mild.

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