Rebecca Maxwell

Articles by Rebecca Maxwell

On-line career network goes Canadian

With the search for skilled IT professionals becoming more of a challenge, some Canadian organizations are now...

Novell integrates databases

The keys to Novell Inc.'s new SQL Integrator are both its ease of use, and the role it ...

Facing the bumpy road ahead

The information technology sector may be in for a bumpy ride this year, according to research by...

Bridging the project management gap

Three years ago David Barrett realized there was a void in the Canadian IT industry. With more...

PC DOCS focuses on knowledge management

Veteran NASA astronaut and Apollo 13 pilot Fred Haise opened the PC DOCS/Fulcrum PowerSummit '99 in Orlando,...

LiveCommerce 2.0 offers richer feature set

With the latest version of LiveCommerce, Open Market Inc. has turned an "unwieldy process" into an on-line...

Infoglut poses health risks: report

Canadian workers are enslaved by e-mail and suffering physical and mental disorders because of it, a Canadian report concludes.

Canadian software companies buying domestic

Canadian companies are increasingly looking within their own national borders when it comes time to make an...

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