Pedro Cardoso

Articles by Pedro Cardoso

Hold On Palm Pre – iPhone Pumps Up The Volume

The new IPhone is expected in less than two months, with Digitimes reporting

Twitter Use Explodes – Sorry Kids, The Parents Are Taking Over

On Twitter? Think you're hanging out with the young crowd? Think again.

Twitter For Good Or Evil – 5 Ways To Use It For Good

Twitter is a platform that can be used for good or evil - what camp are you in?  Many just can’t wrap their minds...

How To Master Google Adwords – An April Special Feature Series

With the tough economy, everyone is focused on driving more eyeballs to their site. That's what I'm trying to do with my Making IT...

Celebrate Canadian Green Innovators – Tough Economy Means Cream Rises To Top

I love smart startup stories. Especially Canadian success stories.

IT Spend On The Rise? What it means so you can profit

There is a lot of discussion about the impact that the global economic downdraft is having on the IT market and ultimately, IT spend....

Microsoft the Dinousaur – too early to call or has the Death March begun?

I have used Microsoft’s products as far back as I can remember - on legacy networks at that. Few can argue that this corporation...

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