Patricia Pickett

Articles by Patricia Pickett

Young males continue to dominate tech world

While many women IT professionals say they love their jobs, some of their experiences indicate that gender, pay and other inequities still exist, according to one researcher.

Vendors push IP-enabled building controls

Combining everyday building functions with Internet Protocol could spell big savings for property owners, according to a Cisco Systems Inc. consultant. But one system integrator cautions that landlords should consider what types of services, beyond floor space, they would like to offer their tenants before they jump on the IP bandwagon.

Monitoring is the key to offshoring, expert says

It is impossible to manage an offshore project using the same methodology applied to traditional, in-house development, says an executive at a national securities agency.

Abitibi rolls out its inventory

How do you track millions of rolls of paper without getting wrapped up in a data nightmare? Abitibi found a solution in ERP and experienced secondary benefits from the implementation.

Monitoring is the key to offshoring

It is impossible to manage an offshore project using the same methodology applied to traditional, in-house development, says an executive at a national securities agency.

Male youth culture dominates IT workplace: book

While many women who work in information technology say love their jobs, some of their experiences indicate that gender, pay and other inequities still exist in the field, according to one researcher.

Printing returns to its Roots

Two years ago Toronto-based clothing maker Roots Canada Ltd. was faced with a choice: continue outsourcing some of its advertising printing or get a new printer to replace the dinosaur device it had in-house.

Finance management not a major IT focus

The Ottawa-based Software Human Resource Council (SHRC) has discovered that while IT employees generally acknowledge the need to acquire business skills to complement their technical abilities, there are some important areas of expertise they may have overlooked.

Tech News