Mari-Len De Guzman

Articles by Mari-Len De Guzman

Tech integration sparks vendor consolidation: Capellas

The emergence of vertical integration of voice, data and video over Internet Protocol (IP) is driving consolidation efforts among telecommunications and technology companies, according to Michael Capellas, president and CEO of telecom giant MCI Inc.

Predicting with business intelligence

rnrnrnBusinesses dont needrna crystal ball or a deck of cards to know what the future holds.rnSoftware applications that can intelligently predict business trendsrnand aid business...

Saskatoon stems storage problems

The ripple effect of data growth poses a huge challenge for IT departments tasked with maintaining availability and performance, while doing more with less. And it

Alberta teachers learn collaboration

Alberta educators are getting some valuable lessons on collaboration as the Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) embarks on a five-year IT restructuring program, centered on a new browser-based information portal.

Vancouver Olympics take mobile route

Technology organizers for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver will use mobile technology for information flow throughout the event. Paris, France-based systems integrator Atos Origin, global IT partner for the Olympic Games, expects to achieve greater access to real-time data through mobile systems.

Fighting HIV with anti-spam tools

Spam-filtering technology may soon save millions of lives, thanks to the technology

Federal Court of Appeal

The Federal Appeals Court's refusal yesterday to order the disclosure of the identities of 29 suspected music file swappers over the Internet was one lost battle in the Canadian Recording Industry Association's (CRIA) war against illegal music file sharing.

Tech News