Marc L. Songini

Articles by Marc L. Songini

SAP to simplify and streamline applications

Looking to address some longtime user concerns about its business applications, SAP AG is pushing to make its software faster, easier to use, cheaper to operate and less complex for small and midsize companies.

SAP to simplify, streamline apps

Looking to address some longtime user concerns about its business applications, SAP AG is pushing to make its software faster, easier to use, cheaper to operate and less complex for small and midsize companies.

Informix users: IBM mostly making the right moves

Nearly a year after it bought Informix

SAP looks to regain user confidence at conference

SAP AG has no shortage of challenges to contend with as it comes face to face with users of its applications this week.

SAP looks to regain user confidence at conference

SAP AG has no shortage of challenges to contend with as it comes face to face with users of its applications this week.

DB2 plans prompt enthusiasm, wish lists

IBM last week detailed a series of upcoming enhancements to its DB2 databases at the annual North American conference of the software

Gartner: IBM takes database market lead

With its database user group

Oracle deal may break California

California's Department of Information Technology (DOIT) may be eliminated due to its role in signing a massive exclusive contract to buy database software from Oracle Corp.

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