Kristy Pryma

Articles by Kristy Pryma

Survey finds senior management lacking IT competency

More IT budgets are predicted to rise this year than last, training budgets are inadequate and senior management is not perceived to be competent around IT. These are just some of the findings that have come out of the Canadian IT Issues Survey.

Storage trying for more with less

With enterprises facing new challenges, storage product vendors say they are being forced to minimize complexity and adapt to the needs of their customers.

Enterprises consider PC to Mac switch

Although it has traditionally found little success in mainstream corporate computing environments, the new version of Apple Computer Inc.

HR departments need sticky apps to appeal

You can lead a horse to water but you can

Accountants in Alberta oversee orderly migration

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta (ICAA) has more than its numbers in line these days as it prepares to overhaul its aging IT system.

Storage in the spotlight

With enterprises facing new challenges, storage product vendors say they are being forced to minimize complexity and adapt to the needs of their customers.

IBM lifts aircraft maintenance

Adding technology to its scope of competencies, Air Canada has jointly developed a wireless e-Toolbox system with IBM.

Microsoft bets on Tablet PCs

After a year of hints and glimpses into what to expect, Microsoft Canada Co., along with several hardware and software vendors, finally launched the pen-based Tablet PC in early November.

Tech News