Kristy Pryma

Articles by Kristy Pryma

IT Companies Realize That Diversity Is Good Business

IT is a white-collar field, however, thanks to some well-placed programs promoting diversity, the people wearing those white collars are increasingly from a variety of backgrounds.

New Microsoft server could be a hit or MIS

Gearing up for an impact in the marketplace, Microsoft

New Visual Basic worries some developers

IT is all about reinventing the wheel. More specifically, it

New Visual Basic worries some developers

Microsoft has invented a new, more powerful wheel, but some fans of its old wheel are a bit hesitant to see how this new one handles.

Hit or MIS?

Gearing up for an impact in the marketplace, Microsoft

Itanium is the word

Itanium. It sounds like it could be the ultimate weapon against a superhero or that one element you could never remember from the periodic table, but in fact, Itanium is Intel's 64-bit RISC microprocessor that several major players are incorporating into their business plans.

SCORE hits one for diversity

When 26 teenagers arrived at the SCORE summer camp on July 1, they had a lot more in store for them than swimming and horseback riding.

Star man of Hamilton

For those of us who switched majors several times in university, there is some comfort in knowing that we are not alone. Such is the case of professor Hugh Couchman of the physics and astronomy department of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

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