Jeremy Kirk

Articles by Jeremy Kirk

Microsoft moves to digitize British Library

The scanning race has started: Microsoft Corp. announced an agreement Friday to scan 25 million pages from the British Library's collection that will eventually be made available on its MSN Book Search site next year.

Red Hat aims to cut costs with virtualization

Red Hat Inc. said Tuesday that the next version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, due for release in late 2006, will include a server virtualization capability integrated into the OS. The focus of Red Hat's development efforts will be to reduce IT infrastructure costs by developing an OS that encompasses security and storage management along with a management platform.

Microsoft threatens to pull Windows from South Korea

Microsoft Corp. has warned that if South Korean regulators order it to remove code or redesign Windows as part of an ongoing unfair competition investigation, it could pull the operating system from the market or delay the introduction of new versions.

MS ANTITRUST: MS backs off music player proposal

Microsoft Corp. quickly backed off on a proposal to portable music player manufacturers that if they chose to include Windows Media Player in software packages, only that program could be included, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) reported Thursday in its update on the company's compliance with its antitrust settlement.

O’REILLY: Microsoft consolidates shared source licenses

Microsoft Corp. said on Wednesday that it plans to consolidate the licensing terms for its Shared Source initiative under three license templates in an effort to simplify the program for developers.

Phishing scams harder to pull off, group says

The number of days a phishing site remains online has dropped to an average of 5.5 days, a sign that countermeasures against fraudulent Web sites are being enacted with increased speed, according the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), which monitors phishing trends and online crime.

Is security the next antitrust battle for Microsoft?

Microsoft Corp.'s moves into the security software market could be an agitator for more antitrust concerns over how it uses its market strength for other software offerings.

LINUXWORLD: No Office software for Linux, says Microsoft

Microsoft Corp. is not going to release a version of its Office suite software for open-source rival Linux, although the company is actively studying how Linux works and how it can integrate with the platform, a Microsoft representative said.

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