Howard Solomon

Currently a freelance writer, I'm the former editor of and Computing Canada. An IT journalist since 1997, I've written for several of ITWC's sister publications including and Computer Dealer News. Before that I was a staff reporter at the Calgary Herald and the Brampton (Ont.) Daily Times. I can be reached at hsolomon [@]

Articles by Howard Solomon

Fighting ‘the boy’s club’ mentality in cyber security

Women in cyber security still face an uphill battle in a male-dominated field. A Palo Alto Network exec and Canadians talk about what can be done

A mysterious IoT botnet, and what network admins can do to lower the odds of infection

A powerful botnet leveraging unsecure Internet of Things devices has been assembling for months. Read what security pros should do to protect their IoT devices from any attack

How to turn threat information into threat intelligence

A vendor warns that the goal of assessing threat information has to be delivering the business benefit of risk reduction

Admins warned to filter ports with new DDoS attacks increasing

Akamai is the second to report that attackers are leveraging the CLDAP protocol for distributed denial of service attacks

Bigger budget tops wish list of Canadian infosec pros: Survey

Survey suggests leaders want more to spend over having better skilled staff. Also, they'd like to double the size of their staff

Password analysis shows employees still aren’t getting the message

A significant number of staff still use passwords that are too short or re-use words, one company found

Canada one of sources for destructive IoT botnet

New form of attack called a Permanent Denial of Service destroys affected IoT devices

Threat sharing efforts still fall short, says McAfee

Security industry still failing to make sharing of intelligence easy and meaningful, says new report

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