Gary H. Anthes

Articles by Gary H. Anthes

Storage media will burst more limits

Last June, IBM Corp. made the stunning announcement that it had written data to a storage medium at a density of 1T bit per square inch, enough to pack 25 million printed pages on a postage-stamp-size chip.

Bridging data islands

After just two months, a new software tool enabled Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. to discover a promising candidate for a new drug to treat asthma, arthritis or even perhaps cancer; it's a chemical compound that might well have been overlooked using traditional IT tools.

Database horizons

The modern database era began in 1970, when E.F. Codd published his paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks." His ideas enabled the logical manipulation of data to be independent of its physical location, greatly simplifying the work of application developers.

Feature: The incredible shrinking storage media

Last month, IBM Corp. made the stunning announcement that it had written data to a storage medium at a density of 1T bit per square inch, enough to pack 25 million printed pages on a postage-stamp-size chip.

Cryptography for the masses

Cryptography expert Martin Hellman, co-inventor of Diffie-Hellman public-key encryption, says he never encrypts his e-mail. It

The search is on

Researchers are inventing better ways to find and make sense of information. Computerworld (US) looked at some of this research and found companies perfecting techniques for machine learning, real-time analysis or data flows, distributed data mining and discovery of

Malware’s destructive appetite grows

An evil array of computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses will in coming years propagate to your cell phone, invade your personal digital assistant (PDA), open back doors into your PC and more, experts are forecasting.

SANs get sensible

Until recently, SANs have had a mixed reception. Users have praised their flexibility and performance but criticized their cost, complexity and lack of interoperability. New products have finally begun to address those problems.

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