Dave Webb

Dave Webb is a freelance editor and writer. A veteran journalist of more than 20 years' experience (15 of them in technology), he has held senior editorial positions with a number of technology publications. He was honoured with an Andersen Consulting Award for Excellence in Business Journalism in 2000, and several Canadian Online Publishing Awards as part of the ComputerWorld Canada team.

Articles by Dave Webb

Seven need-to-know trends in network security

Richard Stiennon, former Gartner analalyst and now a Fortinet exec, talks to Network World Canada about where the security industry is headed and how administrators can prepare themselves

Secure in Anne’s World

Flashback to a New York City trip a couple years ago. I was passing through U.S. immigration at Pearson, and getting a look from...

Not the death of WiMax

Sprint Nextel and Clearwire have walked away from a partnership that would blanket a third of the U.S. population in WiMax access, but it's...

Google, the telco, anyone?

There's more to the search giant's mobile plan than Android.

Google these

Google's Android announcement was not the branded mobile phone we were anticipating, but a development platform for mobile manufacturers and carriers to deliver more...

How the iPhone will influence Web apps, design

Industry watchers pretty much agree that wireless use of the Internet will surpass desktop use, and the iPhone is going a long way to accelerate that sea change. Users will expect a better experience than they have now

The Littlest Notebook

To tell the truth, I wasn't paying 100 per cent attention when Irving Frydman at Fujitsu offered to send along the new LifeBook U810...

iPhone impersonators and the landscape of Web design

Telus and HTC launched the HTC

Tech News