CIO Canada Staff

Articles by CIO Canada Staff

Book Reviews

The Arc of Ambition: Defining the Leadership JourneyBy James Champy and Nitin NohriaPerseus Books, 2000, $39.50Ambition should have a higher purpose than making money,...

History Lesson

The first computer? Let's go back in time. Looking out the window of the Wayback machine, we...

A Daily Lift

Ever notice how 30 seconds can seem like an eternity when you're riding in an elevator with...


Driving into a rising or setting sun can be temporarily blinding -- and dangerous. But a new...

Holy Technology!

To celebrate the 2,000th anniversary of Jesus' birth, the city of Rome is holding a year-long Jubilee...

It Took Only 9,500 Computers

The solution to what is being called the most difficult public-key cryptographic challenge ever has been solved....

Power of the People

What if all the energy you expend typing away on your laptop were stored for your benefit?...

Tell It Like It Is

Imagine you're reading an article at and think the reporter's analysis is a crock. Instead of...

Tech News