Albert Leonardo

Articles by Albert Leonardo

Increased demand for tape drives driven by SAN adoption

If you ask any long or short distance runner about a race, chances are their objective is rather transparent

SAN market moving out of infancy stages in Canada

Storage area networks (SANs) are going through a metamorphosis at the same time that more and more organizations need to implement the technology.

Giving new meaning to the CIO

Once upon a time, the CIO of a company was often known only as the technology person, but as a recent study commissioned by RHI Consulting suggests, the role of the information officer has expanded.

IT project managers feel the heat

IT project managers are being asked to do more with less resources and skilled individuals when planning projects, according to a recent study compiled by the Cutter Consortium.

Java spearheads the Espresso

In most parts of the world, when you ask for an espresso you are quickly served a small amount of coffee. Well, with the release of the ESP Espresso from Cybermation Inc., it now can be equated to a job scheduling solution.

M&M gets a new cut of CRM

In the land of retail, understanding who your customers are and what they need is like needing air conditioning to survive during the hot summer months. For M&M Meat Shop, adopting a CRM solution just seemed to make just as much sense.

What the

At a recent industry event, one particular look at e-business, entitled Climbing the Mountain, Avoiding the Abyss, brought back some memories of Nietzche

Your 932 minutes are almost up

Canada is number one in time spent online - or at least that's what the numbers say for the month of April, according to Media Metrix Canada's report on Internet use

Tech News