C4 Seminar: CASL Compliance for Sales & Marketing

November 12, 2014. Mississauga, On. 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM

“Is it okay for me to contact my prospects via email or not?” 
Canada’s new anti-spam law (CASL) came into effect July 1, 2014 and professionals everywhere are asking this seemingly simple question and not finding the answer. Join Stephanie McManus of Compliance Support as she delves into what you can and cannot do under CASL. CASL has been dubbed as “perhaps the most onerous legislation in the world to regulate the use of commercial electronic messaging”. It doesn’t just require that you allow people to “opt out” of your electronic communications. It requires that you get their consent before you even send the communication. The devil is in the details on how to comply with requirements. This session will provide general tips and guidance on how to stay on the right side of the law, and avoid any fines or issues related to your email marketing and sales practices.
Delta Meadowvale Hotel &  Conference Service,  6750 Mississauga Rd,  Mississauga, ON L5N 2L3
Registration 8:00 am
Presentation:  8:30 – 9:30 am (continental breakfast included)
Register Now
Members:  $55.00 plus HST
Non-members:  $75.00 plus HST





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