Jan Matlis

Articles by Jan Matlis

Explainer: model driven architecture

Model driven architecture (MDA) is an approach to translating real-world algorithms into computer code. It focuses on representing algorithms in a modeling language, followed by a possibly automatic translation of the models into computer code.

Explainer: Model Driven Architecture

Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is an approach to translating real-world algorithms into computer code. It focuses on representing algorithms in a modeling language, followed by a possibly automatic translation of the models into computer code. Doing justice to the definition of MDA

Monkey think, robot do

Last year, brain signals from an owl monkey in a North Carolina laboratory were transmitted over the...

Optical computers work at light speed

As the limitations of miniaturization appear to have been reached for today's electronic computers, researchers are trying to push beyond them by substituting light for electrical voltages in computer components.

Tech News