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Hashtag Trending – Facebook faces lawsuit, Find My Mobile, a legend passes away

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Facebook faces *gasp* another lawsuit, Samsung scares everyone with a mysterious notification, and the legend behind cut copy and paste passes away.

Facebook is facing a lawsuit from the US Internal Revenue Service, which claims Facebook owes $9 billion in unpaid taxes. The crux of the case is a 2010 deal between Facebook and an Irish subsidiary it uses to shuffle money around internationally. The lawsuit went to trial in a San Francisco court on Tuesday. The IRS alleges Facebook undervalued the intellectual property it sold to the subsidiary, dodging billions in taxes as a result. In a statement provided to The Verge, Facebook’s Berti Thomson said the company “stand[s] behind” the 2010 transaction.”

Thousands of users took to Twitter after receiving a notification on their phones from the “Find My Mobile” app, which simply showed the number 1, worried they were hacked or haunted. Following the widespread panic, Samsung responded saying the notification was unintentionally sent out as part of “internal testing,” and assured users that “there is no effect on your device.”

And lastly, Larry Tesler, who died on Monday, might not be a household name like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but his contributions are legendary. In addition to his contributions Apple hardware, Tesler was also known for his efforts to make software and user interfaces more accessible. In addition to “cut,” “copy,” and “paste” terminologies – what would we do without them – Tesler was also an advocate for modeless computing, a unique approach to user interface design.

That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now. Hashtag Trending is a part of the ITWC Podcast network. Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing or your Google Home daily briefing.

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