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Cloud storage spec gets ISO certification

The explosion of cloud services has meant a wealth of opportunities for enterprises, but also uncertainty — this is a new era that demands trust. But who do you trust?
The industry hopes that certifications from reputable agencies will ease the justified worries of customers over where data goes, how it is protected and who is responsible for what goes on.
Another step in that direction happened this week when the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) announced that its Cloud Data Management Interface specification has been accepted by a joint committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission.
The specification for cloud providers standardizes a common interoperable data exchange format for securely moving data and its associated data requirements from cloud to cloud.
 This ComputerWorld U.S. story offers some detail. 
(Graphic via Shutterstock)
The hope is that through certifications like this customers doing due dilligence will be more assured that their data in the cloud is protected.
The CDMI standard has been designated ISO/IEC 17826 and will be able to be purchased from ISO Store website when JTC 1 completes its administrative and publication processes.
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