Dr. Pinpin Zhu is the Founder and CEO of Xiao-i. He has 20 years of experience in AI technology and application research. Dr. Zhu has invented dozens of products that are now patented. China's first smart robot on WeChat, developed by Dr. Zhu, has been widely adopted across multiple industries. As a member of the User Interface and Human-Computer Interaction Standards stream of China's National Information Technology Standardization Committee, Dr. Zhu participated in drafting the first international standard for affective computing. While studying for his doctoral degree, Dr. Zhu set up Xiao-i with Mr. Max Yuan and has been overseeing the company's development. Dr. Zhu frequently speaks at international conferences to discuss the development of AI. In 2017, he was ranked No. 8 in Forbes' list of the 20 leading technologists who drive China's AI innovation. In 2018, he was listed as one of the top 100 Creative People in China by Fast Company, a world-leading business publication. He serves as Board Director for the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the Board for China's Artificial Intelligence Innovation Industry Alliance. Dr. Zhu graduated from China University of Technology and received his PhD from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Additional Details

  • Company:Shanghai Xiaoi Robot Technology Co., Ltd

    Company Details

    Shanghai Xiaoi Robot Technology Co. Ltd

    Shanghai Xiaoi Robot Technology Co. Ltd supplies AI technology and industrial platforms, including depth of natural language processing, semantics interactive, speech recognitio,n image recognition, machine learning and big data technologies.