ABOUT HUMANAWARE.ORG HumanAware.ORG promotes natural social intelligence. HumanAware.ORG encourages individuals to actively engage in human to human communications for harmonization and education. HumanAware.ORG encourages individuals to actively participate in the local and global human peace building, to act and to take responsibility in the control and the management activities in the society. HumanAware.ORG does not encourage individuals to use computers nor use the internet, but HumanAware.ORG is engaged in empowering the individuals that chose to do so with socially responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. HUMANAWARE.ORG HISTORY To ensure a socially responsible society, I founded non-profit Human Aware Corporation (nowadays HumanAware.ORG) back in Santa Barbara, California, USA early on year 2000. At the time I was working full-time as a Software Engineer for Commission Junction (CJ.COM) and later the same year working full-time as a Senior Consultant for Xerox Corporation (XEROX.COM). Armed with 172 .com .net and .org domain names back then, I was about to launch my 3 corporate entities (providing closed source software, open source software and socially responsible digital products I had developed). I also had to save my father’s business located in Quebec City Canada for which I had an expansion plan secured and designed using 50 very co-related domain names. In California since 1997, from the very beginning of the internet bubble, by spring 2001, everyone felt the internet bubble would not last for too long. The days, weeks and months were counted. I chose not to proceed with the for-profit deployment of my 3 corporate entities. In April 2001, I pulled the plug because risk capital was becoming extremely difficult to get for software startups and I did not want to have my corporate entities web sites polluted with conventional out of context ads to finance my software developments. I surfed in Southern California until I had no more funds and, in June 2001, I came back to Quebec Canada. So, time has passed and the Napster, Bittorrent, Piratebay, Google Maps, Google Mail, Google Tube, Google Brain, Facebook and Twitter (to mention only a few) were born on our planet. All this time between year 2001 and 2017,  I have been operating using a non-profit business model and developing remote sensing, audio and video open source software applications and publishing all of these apps and that code for free online over the web. In fall 2017, in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), decentralized blockchain exchanges and emerging cryptocurrencies, I decided to return to a for-profit business model developing remote sensing AI software applications to be used by ministries of natural resources in governments. In short, to continue the software development of the Offworld Intelligent Forest Image Interpreter (OIFII) interactive application that I started in January 1995 and had interrupted in September 2001. OIFII.ORG builds OIFII. OIFII.ORG is now operating from Montreal, Quebec, Canada with the mission to push the limits of AI at the service of governments natural resources departments. At the same time, in fall 2017, HumanAware.ORG also operating from Montreal, Quebec, Canada has the mission to protect human individuals from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to encourage human individuals to collaborate together to actively participate in global and local peace building. I believe resolutions such as UN resolution 2250 can be implemented not only globally but also locally in our society. See UN resolution 2250 document at http://unoy.org/wp-content/uploads/SCR-2250.pdf. HUMANAWARE.ORG NEAR-FUTURE More precisely, in the years to come, HumanAware.ORG will not only encourage women and youth to engage in global peace building efforts for countries abroad, but will strongly encourage all local citizens to engage in local peace building efforts for their own local territories, cities, regions, provinces, states and country. In 2015, the United Nations adopted resolution 2250 on the peace building process (as opposed to the peace keeping process that has existed since around 1945 after the Second World War). For Canadians see http://unac.org/unac-projects/youthaspeacebuilders/ In 2017, November 14 and 15, the Canadian Army held a conference on this topic, see  https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/peacekeeping-defence-ministerial.html HumanAware.ORG plans on encouraging citizens to remotely participate to peace building by communicating electronically and anonymously to individuals of interest selected by the public security and the national defense. All the communications from the citizens would be filtered by the national security, i.e. in Canada the https://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/index-en.php. HumanAware.ORG will encourage citizens not only to participate in voting during elections but will also encourage citizens write communications for the perpetually undergoing local and global peace building process. HumanAware.ORG will always encourage citizens to communicate positively and respectfully in private as well as in public. HumanAware.ORG will not encourage any form of physical social activism in public. Although HumanAware.ORG will encourage religion-neutral governments along with its people to have faith, HumanAware.ORG is not a religion. HumanAware.ORG will be transparent.
HumanAware.ORG plans to encourage new laws to be adopted for local peace building and plans to help in the coaching of concerned groups of citizens towards compliance and certifications.

Additional Details

  • Use Case: Intelligent Processing Automation, Public Safety and Emergency Response, Smart Networking
  • Industry: Technology/IT/Software
  • Chinese Company Name:Human Aware Corporation
  • Estimated Annual Revenue (USD):$0-$1M
  • Corporation Status:Public
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  • Number of Employees:1-9
  • Company Definition: Small Business