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What infosec pros can learn from Tony Stark

Image by Yogysic, Getty Images.

Infosec pros usually toil unappreciated in organizations, often fighting sometimes losing battles against well-armed opponents, and sometimes seemingly deaf employees.

They ache to be superheros. Well, Aamir Lakhani, a global security strategist at Fortinet, believes fictional superheroes like Iron Man Tony Stark can teach them some lessons.

At least that’s the way Lakhani figured he could get his message across to his audience at this month’s SecTor security conference in Toronto. He argues Stark and his fellow Marvel movie colleagues have a few things to pass on to the real world of fighting bad guys (and gals).

So, here’s what you can learn from the adventures of Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Widow and their friends (assuming you’ve seen the movies …):

“Well, your security was good 10 years ago,” says Lakhani. “But just because you haven’t been attacked doesn’t mean you’re not vulnerable. I see this in operational environments where people say, ‘We’ve had this plant for a hundred years, we’ve never been attacked.’ But things have changed and attackers are getting so much smarter.”

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