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Minding the gap between IT modernization and DX

Most organizations have faced and are still facing critical issues around modernizing their IT — managing or upgrading old software and hardware, offering customers a more modern experience, or shifting to cloud. While historically, companies have taken an incremental approach to modernization, dealing with the most pressing problems first and tackling other issues in due course, as time and resources permit, the looming threat of digital disruption is pressing companies to modernize their systems from end to end, with the future “big picture” front of mind.

This is not say the incremental approach offers no benefits. Some would say the approach involves fewer risks, that if something goes wrong on a minor dev project, the damage can be contained and quickly resolved. Additionally, companies taking the incremental approach can make improvements at speed: small changes, modest time commitment, quick turnaround.

However, incrementalism can also cap companies’ growth and level of competitiveness. Tech teams operating in different wings of an IT organization will tackle problems in a way specific to them, using unique methods and involving their own set of internal business clients. Result? Isolation. Islands. Disconnect. These gaps lead to complexity overall, and redundant processes and systems. These points of weakness may not be glaring at surface, but problems arise as soon as the companies tries to pursue a digital initiative that calls for efficiency, agility, and a single mind.

There is unfortunately a widening chasm between IT execs and their line of business partners when it comes to IT modernization and digital transformation (DX). A new study conducted by IDC and sponsored by Blair Technology Solutions and IBM reveals that DX progress is being hindered by organizational misalignment, knowledge gaps and differing points of view on the benefits of IT modernization.

On October 25th, join ITWC CIO Jim Love, IDC Canada Research VP, Industry and Business Solutions Jason Bremner, and Blair Technology Solutions President & CEO John Blair as they discuss the study findings and how to leverage them to shape progress in your own business.

Among the topics that will be covered in this session:

Register now to attend “Connecting the Dots Between IT Modernization and DX.”

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