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It pays to be a CIO — at least in the U.S.

Almost everyone wants to know what a colleague makes, so this study of selected chief information officers may be a fun read. The CIOs covered work for American organizations, but you can dream.

This compilation from Network World U.S. found nine CIOs working for publicly-traded companies making over US$1 million, including perks such as matching charitable donations, financial counselling services and income tax preparation services.
By comparison, IT World Canada’s Salary Calculator figures the average base salary of a CIO in this country (which includes companies big and small) works out to an average total of about $438,000. That includes a base salary of
$177,333 plus average cash compension for perks of $260,333.
CIOs here may be able to add to that. Earlier this year we reported that a number of Canadian chief information officers hoped to add to their staff levels. If you’re overseeing more work, then management should show its gratitude.
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