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Canadian sites not missing the link

Canadian companies that want to attract employees need to include a careers link on their Web sites, according to iLogos Research’s latest study called 20 Best Practices. The report examined Fortune 500 organizations in both the U.S. and Europe and the top 100 Canadian companies. Currently, sixty-four per cent of Canadian companies have a link on their Web sites.

Not surprisingly, the U.S. companies were number one in virtually every category, with Canada following the Europeans. The study posed questions pertaining to job postings on corporate sites, such as if a link existed between the corporate home page to a careers page and if the database could be searched for available jobs. In actuality, the study was conducted in three phases, with the Canadian data being compiled in this first quarter of this year.

Yves Lermusiaux said while Canada is statistically at the bottom, the research reveals that of the Canadian companies who are engaging in the portal link to a career section, are considered to be more advanced than those in the U.S. or Europe. And while traditional methods of posting jobs are still effective, he said the additional link is growing in importance. “It is extremely important, (and) I would say it is one of the most important features of a Web site. The Internet is very efficient at transferring data,” said the president of iLogos Research in San Francisco.

The focus or objective of the study was a means of targeting corporations in educating them on the potential benefits of adding the link to their sites. He was critical of corporations, blaming them and not the job seekers as the bottleneck to the Internet not being fully utilized. “They (Canadian corporations) need to understand that in order to manage the volume and to be efficient, they need to do more than accept r

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