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Canadian CIOs: How to position the cloud for success

Cloud Computing
Few Canadian chief information officers seem likely to “dive in” to cloud computing without due planning, but two CIOs we spoke to said there’s no such thing as putting too much thought into how it will change the organization.
In this second clip in our latest episode of the CIO Canada Debate, Carlos Silva, IT director at Ontario’s Clean Water Agency, emphasizes the need to make cloud computing part of an operational plan, looking at how will have access to data and compute resources, the service-level agreements and more.
“You’re now dealign with many, many providers,” he points out. “Let’s say you want to change providers. How do you go about it? You better have (everything) documented, and I strongly recommend having the legal department involved.”
Innovapost senior vice-president David Rea said the ease of adopting some cloud services with little more than a credit card obscures some of the major impacts it can have on enterprise IT.
“It’s important to start small,” he said. “These processes or relationships, it’s like having a new partner. You’ve got to get used to livign with them.”
Watch the complete episode: The CIO Canada Debate 
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