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Symantec: Cover your Assets: Information Strategies to support your Security and Compliance Obligations


November 30, 2006 – Toronto, Ontario

Accountability regulations demand that companies and their executives ensure not only the integrity and accuracy of corporate data, but also the security of data relating to customers and consumers. Some regulations, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, are prescriptive in terms of records of electronic communications and the manner in which they are stored to ensure they remain tamperproof and accessible.

The breadth of the definition of electronic communications is growing to encompass instant messages and digitized voice communication. And these same electronic records are more frequently becoming the focus of legal discovery; placing a burden on businesses to make records available on demand when the court considers it reasonable to believe it should be possible.

There is, however, a growing concern among security professionals that amid the busyness and the details of regulatory compliance, the general issues of security are being overlooked. They suggest that companies are failing to adequately address endpoint security and the vulnerabilities associated with personal devices, mobile users, wireless networks and the internet; issues that are critical to an effective compliance stance as well as to the general protection of corporate assets and brand.


John Pickett
Vice President & Editorial Director
IT World Canada


Director of Planning and Market Analysis
The Branham Group

Technical Product Marketing Manager
Symantec Corporation

Canadian Sr. Compliance Business Specialist
Symantec (Canada) Corporation

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