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Web Services 2002 Tour: Enabling Application Integration and Customer Relationship Management

Web Services 2002 is an exclusive opportunity for CxOs, senior management and IT management to learn about the dramatic enabling effects and business value that the deployment of Web services can have in their organizations. Using a case study, the presenters from Siebel Systems, BEA Systems, Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard will illustrate how together they provide a solution that reduces the cost and complexity of application integration, draws added business value from existing systems and processes, and delivers improved customer service. This half-day executive conference is free to qualified registrants.

Contact: 1-800-806-5556


Colorado Springs, Col.

Dec. 3-5

The SNIA Technology Center’s Storage Management Summit

The momentum behind the Storage Management movement is overwhelming. Get ahead of the curve and become the competition by attending the only event developed specifically with the storage networking professional in mind. Discover how to incorporate technical aspects of storage management in order to evaluate the benefits of emerging technologies and standards and learn specific ways to be successful in that progression. The Storage Management Summit will focus on all technical aspects of storage management and will provide attendees with the latest in storage management technologies and concepts, including CIM, WBEM, and Bluefin/SMIS. A half-day Web program has been set up on Day Three for those who cannot attend.


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