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Tune up your management skills

Canada’s Software Human Resource Council (SHRC) recently announced the roll-out of an integrated series of 16 different one-day professional development seminars designed to provide essential knowledge for decision makers and managers who work in and around the technology sector.

The seminar series draws on the knowledge of industry experts. Topics range from technology strategy and project management to industry overviews and issues like R&D funding, tax credits and human factors.

The realities that make the management of high tech different are the focal point of this series. Presentations feature one or two seminar leaders, an open-dialogue format (with a maximum of 20 participants) and a concluding one-hour discussion and wrap-up that helps participants relate the presentation to their specific concerns.

The seminars are all stand-alone. Participants receive a 100-page course book summarizing key concepts – written to do double duty as a reference long after the seminar. As follow-on, seminar leaders are available to provide customized consulting. SHRC can also develop targeted single-company course variations, or organize and broker events linking a company’s research leaders to people in the research labs of Canada’s universities. More information can be found on the Web at

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