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Northwest Territories joins up with BizPaL

Northwest Territories joins the list of eight provinces and territories that have joined BizPaL, an online business that helps Canadian businesses identify which permits and licences they require and how to obtain them. The announcement was made by Secretary of State Diane Ablonczy on behalf of Minister of Industry Jim Prentice.

Bob McLeod, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment for the Northwest Territories confirmed the agreement by signing a multi-jurisdictional memorandum of understanding formally acknowledging a shared commitment to the BizPaL initiative.

“The Government of Canada is pleased to be working with the Government of the Northwest Territories to promote a more competitive and productive local economy by providing easy access to essential information and reducing paperwork costs for business,” said Ablonczy in a released statement.

Others partners in BizPaL are the Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia.

“This initiative reflects not only our priority to support the development of sustainable local economies, but also to seek out more client-focused, service-oriented approaches to delivering government information to Northwest Territories residents,” said Minister McLeod.

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