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CIRA Factbook points out digital divide

Canadians are a conservative folk that have taken slowly to the Internet. But when we do we show no loyalty to the country, according to a new report.

Two out of every three dollars Canadians spend online go south of the border, says the 2014 Factbook put out by the Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA), which manages the .ca domain.

However, that number may have been influenced by the high Canadian dollar. With the loonie falling Canadians may be more willing to spend here.

The factbook also notes we lag the U.S. and the U.K. in terms of the percentage of our retail economy that is online (three per cent, versus seven and 23 per cent, respectively).

The study also notes the digital divide between high and low income earners.  Only 62 per cent of Canadians in the lowest income quartile have Internet access, compared with 95 per cent of Canadians in the highest income quartile.

Other facts include:

The annual factbook is a collection of data from CIRA research plus data from Statistics Canada, Ipsos Reid, ComScore, Websense, TNS Digital Life and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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