Microsoft releases public preview of Python in Excel

Microsoft had released the public preview of Python in Excel, a new feature that allows users to combine Python scripts with their Excel formulas.

This new tool makes it possible to perform advanced data analysis and visualization tasks within Excel, without having to leave the familiar Excel environment.

To use Python in Excel, users need to join the Microsoft 365 Insider Program and opt for the beta channel. Once they have the latest Excel builds, they can select the “Insert Python” button in the Formulas ribbon to get started.

Python in Excel is powered by the Anaconda Python distribution, which includes a curated set of popular Python libraries for data science and visualization. This means that users can access powerful tools like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib directly from within Excel.

The feature makes makes it possible to perform complex data analysis tasks without having to switch between different software applications.

The sources for this piece include an article in TechCrunch.

IT World Canada Staff
IT World Canada Staff
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